migration storytelling 

visual storyteller + photographer + content strategist + content producer

the new colossus migration campaign video 

creative direction + on-site lead + vendor management

Posted on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook 

women's history month 2021

creative lead + designer + digital content producer + social content strategist  

social media brand refresh

creative direction + copywriter + photographer

racial justice and voting rights

social media lead + photographer + copywriter + content producer

oxfam US' social media for Movement for Black lives, June 2020 

creative lead + photographer + copywriter + artist curator + social content strategist

Covid-19 inequality 

social content lead + photographer + copywriter + content producer

2021 MarCom Gold award winning People's Vaccine campaign video

Oxfam creative lead + agency management + social media strategist 

humanitarian aid storytelling 

designer + storyteller + copywriter + social content strategist 

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